Non-direct competition method
Non-direct competition method (using antibody to atrazine) allows us to detect atrazine in aqueous solution with concentration of about 100 ng/ml by …
LSPR spectra for Au nanoarrays
LSPR spectra for Au nanoarrays with different size and distance between nanostructures 120*110*50 nm (right) and 105*95*50 nm (left). The curve colors …
LSPR spectra for 120*110*50 nm Au nanostructures
LSPR spectra for 120*110*50 nm Au nanostructures in air (left) and in PBS buffer solution (right). The shift of spectra to the …
LSPR detection of large – size proteins
LSPR method reveals easy detection of large- size proteins, like immunoglobulins. The limit of detection equal to 20 ng/ml was achieved, that …